v5.01 - December 2019
- New EDB sources user interface.
- Indico Validation now completely Java free
- Optimized EDB search for roads in Gauss and OSPM.
- Highcharts graphs (Time Series and Polar Frequency) added.
- Improved UI for Dispersion. Add/Edit/Delete EDB sources from Viewer.
- Improved field import in Dispersion.
- Import interfaces for Shape files of Points, Roads and Grids in EDB.
- Introducing better handling of simulations fixing earlier problems of difficulties terminating large runs. Also possible to limit number of cores per role.
- Possibility to switch map in viewport (OSM or local map).
- Optimization of Gauss model runs using EDB search for point sources.
- Optimization of database usage by the model preprocessor.
- New data collection user interface.