Cheshire, October 25-27

We would like to invite you to attend our next Airviro course in Macclesfield, Cheshire, UK. The course will be held over three days, October 25-27.

The course will be held during October 25-27 in Cheshire. The training will be held by Per Ivarsson, and Airviro 4 will be used during the demonstrations and exercises.

It is possible to join for any number of days for a cost of 5 000 SEK/day. The training is divided as follows:

  • October 25: Introduction for new users.
  • October 26: Walkthrough of functionality added with late versions of v3.23 and v4.0 suitable for new and existing users.
  • October 27: For administrators and advanced users that want to understand the details of the system.

Please send your registration to Per Ivarsson at by September 4 at the latest.

The new course plan

Day 1 - Basic user training

  • Indico Presentation
  • EDB
    Point sources
    Area sources
    Road sources
  • Dispersion
    Point sources
    Area sources
    Road sources

Day 2 - User training

  • Indico validation
  • Waved
  • EDB
    Wedbed and grid sources
  • Dispersion
    Post processing
    Inhomogeneous grids
    Nesting with OSPM

Day 3 - Basic system administration

  • Airviro Access Methods
  • Operating System Necessities
  • Airviro Structure
  • Services
  • Modules
  • Airviro Databases
  • Time Series Database
  • IADM
  • EDB
  • Data Collection
  • Dispersion